Latest Episodes

Election! Election! (and a serial killer bar)
I trot out my plan to generate global news coverage by being the last undecided voter in America

All about books & Bibles
Today's "Use All The Crayons!" podcast talks about Gideon's and their ubiquitous Bibles and how all the Bibles will benefit from an influx of...

Arnold Palmer (above the waist)
Thoughts on Donald Trump's comments about Palmer's genitals

Let's all dress like Fred for Halloween
Four brief stories about Mister Fred Rogersin this week's 20-minute "Use All The Crayons!" podcast.

The amazing story of Kinzua Bridge's 70-yr-old secret & the horrors of being tick bit in a "sensitive place"
Take a Halloween trip to Colma, California, the city where the dead out number the living 1,000-to-1

Topics include Major Frank Burns, Capt. Derek Jeter and the joys of having youthful hoodlums for friends
Includes a grab bag of Colorful living tips of the day.